Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Product Reviews!

Make-up testing!! Yay!!

Yesterday I did some new-kinda new product testing, and I have 2 items to brag about.

First up, Benefits brand spanking new, "Hello Flawless!". Yes Benefit has cute names for their adorable packaging, but this is a brand that also delivers more often than not. From the moment I touched this powder I knew it was a winner based on how finly milled it is. It goes on smooth, looks awesome, offers buildable coverage, AND has spf 15. Woo hoo! Why is this so special? Because many companies try to make this product, but none succeed in the "looking and feeling amazing" catagory.
Another Benefit must have, Hoola Bronzing powder. It won't turn you anything but tan.

Second rave, Tarte Lock & Roll Creaseless Eye Shadow Duo. When I first tried this a couple months back, I went for the boldest colors and thought, now this is fun! It's a double sided wand, one side a cream color that really does dry and lock into position(which is the true accomplishment of the product), the second end is a roller ball that dispenses a coordinating powder. The powder intensifies the cream, and adds more shimmer. The fun colors are exactly that, but recently I tried the more natural shades. Very lovely! Definitly could be a day to day staple, with the option to bump it up with the powder. Rosegold and Sandstone are lovely for a more natural look to brighten the eye, and smooth the lid. Patina is a beautiful fun choice, that really isn't too crazy.

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