Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A different kind of post

I am greatly inspired to write about the power of women tonight.

It is no secret that having a social life is part of a healthy, balanced life. Our own social life. But most importantly, from a woman's standpoint, one with inspiring and strong women. We may have partners that "complete us", or we may not, but there is no doubt in my mind that having some wonderful women to surround yourself by as often as you can is just as valuable-. I have a quote on my computer that reads, "Think like a woman. It's a tremendous advantage because men can't do it." Nice, huh? I'm not getting feminist on the conversation.. but ladies, am I right? Or am I right.

I'm holding a ladies night at my house tomorrow night and am just delighted! There will be about 10 of us, and most of the women have never met each other. I think it will be good for all of us, really good for all of us. Great women, drinks, make-up, fantastic skincare, girl time therapy!

If you have great women in your life, embrace them often and make the time. There is enough time in the day. If you don't, try joining some groups. Make a group. Be open and remember- you can't wait for someone (a friend, family member..) to act, you must do it yourself. Make the effort if you want something to happen, like a friendship. We have the power to really inspire each other. To support and motivate, and encourage each other to be who we want to be. To DO.

Are you feeling robbed from my post tonight? OK, here is your beauty tip. Try something different. Cut bangs, get layers, try a color gloss, use bronzer, get eyelash extensions, temporary hair extensions, go red, wear an eyeshadow that isn't neutral. Play with your look and have fun. You would be surprised how a little change can feel reviving, rejuvenating, and possibly like a re-invention.


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