Friday, August 21, 2009


I know you have all been hearing about them... Lash Extensions!

I think they are simply amazing, and am sporting a set myself! Procedure length: About 1 1/2 hours. Commitment time: About 3 weeks. Price: Anywhere from 150-650 a set. (I know, that's a big range) The higher end is what you call a rip-off ; )

I got my set done from a gal who was running a $50 off special, and I got mine for 150! And I will tell you what, she was wonderful. She moved here from LA, where she did nothing but lashes-full time. Gals really eat it up out there..

I have been seeing the extensions on more and more of my brides, and actresses/musicians I work on, so I just had to learn more about the process, and what it's really like to have them one. Naturally, as a make-up artist, it was research. Heehee.

The lashes are attached individually with an adhesive. You are to take special care for 48 hours, and then just stay away from waterproof eye products after that. I've swam and showered plenty, and they are still hanging on. Now, they do "shed" and become not quite as full over the 3 or so weeks, so to maintain them you need to go in for refills which are generally about half the cost of the original set.
While you have them, there is no need for mascara, lash curling, or really even liner! Eyes look open and awake as soon as you rise. This, is where it's at.

For Austinites, I will refer you to Keri @

Lash on!!

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